11 Time Management Skills To Practice for Increased Performance

Cena Block
4 min readJul 25, 2023

In a world that seems to be moving faster than ever before, mastering the art of time management has become an essential skill for success. Whether you’re a student trying to juggle multiple assignments, a professional striving to meet deadlines, or simply an individual seeking balance in your personal life, effective time management can make all the difference. By learning to harness the power of time, you can unlock your true potential, increase productivity, reduce stress, and create a life that is not only successful but also fulfilling. In this blog post, we will explore valuable strategies, practical tips, and powerful techniques to help you take control of your time and make the most of every precious moment.

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There are several time management skills and elements that help build skills relating to productivity. While in coaching, clients often practice different time management skills and elements related to overall increased productivity. Here are some key areas you can address with your coach:

Goal Setting

In order to get started with time management, you need to learn to set clear and achievable goals. Setting goals effectively involves identifying specific objectives (outcomes), breaking them into meaningful, doable actions, and establishing timelines for completion.

Building Time Awareness Through Time Logging

There can be a big gap between what you plan time to do and what you end up doing. When you focus on tracking and logging your days, you build more time awareness. Time awareness is your ability to know where your minutes and hours go, how you spend your time, and connect to what you’re able to complete in the time you have. Building time awareness involves tracking your time, analyzing time logs, identifying time-wasting activities, zeroing in on interrupters and distractions, and making conscious choices about how you allocate your time plan to actual performance.


Prioritizing is difficult because it’s hard to weigh and measure the importance and all the factors that contribute to the tasks you have to complete. Learning your unique context cues will help you prioritize tasks and differentiate between urgent and important activities. In order to manage time better, you must learn to focus on high-priority tasks that align with your goals. Additionally, you need to focus on tasks that will positively impact your productivity. Prioritizing by energy, value, negative consequence, emotion, or challenge are all different metrics that are often conflated or misunderstood. Taking the opportunity to differentiate what is important can help you better align your task completion in the time you have.

Time Blocking

Time blocking is an essential time management skill. Time blocking helps you to schedule your time effectively by utilizing time-blocking techniques. This involves allocating specific time blocks for different activities, such as dedicated work periods, breaks, meetings, and personal time.

Task Management

Coaches assist clients in developing effective systems for managing tasks. This may include using to-do lists, task management apps, or project management tools to capture, organize, and track tasks and deadlines.

Procrastination Management

You can overcome procrastination by identifying the underlying causes and implementing strategies to address them. This may involve breaking tasks into smaller, manageable parts, setting deadlines, using accountability systems, or leveraging motivational techniques.

Interruption Management

Coaches help clients with strategies to minimize and manage interruptions, to improve focus. Whether from colleagues, email, or other sources. This may include work on setting more clear boundaries, taking regular work focus time, or creating barriers so you are less apt to be interrupted.

Energy Management

An important time management skill to develop is learning more about how to shift your state and impact your own energy. Staying focused has a lot to do with managing personal energy levels over time. Identify your peak productivity times and then work on your most demanding tasks with those periods.

Mindfulness and Self-Care

Mindfulness can help you establish self-care practices that stick. Many ADHD adults leave self-care as the last thing they squeeze in. Coaching can help you flip the equation so you prioritize self-care strategies to mitigate and down-regulate stress. A consistent mindfulness and self-care approach that allows for regular breaks, exercise, and adequate rest in your schedule will help you maintain optimal performance.


Outsourcing helps you manage your time effectively. Sometimes you need to consider delegating tasks and responsibilities to trusted others. Create a list of tasks that can be outsourced or assigned to others, freeing up time and mental energy for more important activities.

Continuous Improvement

Nothing sticks! Is a constant complaint coaches hear when clients begin a coaching relationship. However, the idea that doing something once will make it stick is a distorted way of thinking. Develop routines and strategies that help you focus on what is hard, and create milestones that require you to review and refine your time management strategies regularly. When you identify areas for improvement, get busy taking action toward a new goal. When you know something or behavior is working — celebrate successes to be sure you continue doing the things that work.

In today’s fast-paced world, time management has become a crucial skill that can transform your life. This blog post outlines invaluable strategies and practical tips to practice and positively impact time management. Whether you’re a student, professional, or simply seeking a better work-life balance, implementing effective time management techniques will not only boost your productivity but also reduce stress and create a sense of fulfillment. By exploring key principles such as prioritization, goal setting, and creating efficient routines, you’ll discover how to make the most of every moment and unlock your true potential. Working with a coach can help you take control of your time and create a life that is both successful and deeply satisfying.

These skills and elements form the foundation for effective time management, and coaches work closely with clients to develop personalized strategies that align with their unique needs and circumstances.




Cena Block

ADHD & Certified Productivity Coach (CPC), Certified Organizer Coach (COC). Providing Worldwide Services for professionals and entrepreneurs.