4 Easy Ways to Manage Money with ADHD Infographic

Successful Ways to Manage Money with ADHD Infographic

Cena Block
2 min readJul 25, 2023

When it comes to ADHD, money matters! While ADHD can make it harder for you to reign in your spending, pay your bills on time, and save for a rainy day, putting simple systems and strategies in place make financial security an attainable goal, regardless of your diagnosis!

This 4 Easy Ways to Manage Money with ADHD Infographic shares some simple ways to improve how you manage money that, when used consistently, can keep you running in the black.

Begin improving your money management with the 4 Easy Ways to Manage Money with ADHD Infographic below:

4 Easy Ways to Manage Money with ADHD Infographic

©2023 Sane Spaces, LLC

1. Use Cash When Possible

Using cash makes it much easier to track spending. Since it’s a finite resource, once you spend it, it’s gone. You’re cognizant of how much you’re spending and how much you still have in your wallet.

2. Track Your Spending

Write down every purchase you make as soon as you make it for an entire month. At the end of the month, take a realistic look at what you’re spending. When you track expenses consistently and know where your money is going, your confidence increases.

TIP: You may want to check out a budgeting app to help you like You Need A Budget — (YNAB)

3. Pay Bills As They Come In (And Set Reminders)

There’s no rule that you have to wait until the due date to pay a bill. As soon as a bill hits your mailbox or email inbox, pay it. That eliminates the chance of you forgetting or accidentally spending the money earmarked for it before it gets paid.

4. Get on the Same Page With Your Partner

Money can be a big point of contention in your relationship. It’s crucial for you and your significant other to have regular conversations about your financial wants, needs, and goals. This looks different for every couple. It doesn’t matter what your system looks like as long as it works.

Financial Security is Possible — Even with ADHD!

Read the full blog post here: 4 Easy Ways to Manage Money with ADHD for even more information and guidance.




Cena Block

ADHD & Certified Productivity Coach (CPC), Certified Organizer Coach (COC). Providing Worldwide Services for professionals and entrepreneurs.