ADHD-Friendly Habits Infographic: 12 Healthy Behavior Tips

ADHD-Friendly Habits Infographic: Top Tips To Healthy Sustainable Behaviors

Cena Block
3 min readJul 25, 2023

Healthy habits can be hard to establish with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Distractions, impulses, and conditions constantly interrupt a great, well-intended plan. We get derailed, we get distracted and then we get exhausted. We become dysregulated, we give in … and ultimately give up. That’s why it makes sense to change the goal from ‘building habits’ to simply repeating healthy behaviors, for far longer.

This ADHD-Friendly Habits Infographic shares tips on taking a more grounded, comprehensive approach to sustainable, healthy habits.

Begin improving your habits with the ADHD-Friendly Habits Infographic below:

ADHD-Friendly Habits Infographic: 12 Healthy Behavior Tips

©️2023 Sane Spaces, LLC

1. Create winning conditions

Winning conditions are the environmental, behavioral, and physical conditions that help you. It’s much easier to create a habit when there are fewer barriers to getting started.

2. Zero in and decide

So often, ADHD makes you feel ‘flooded’ — everything is ‘the most important thing’ that must all be done around the same time. To build a habit it’s important to make choices.

3. Try before you buy

It’s really hard to build habits if you commit to something you don’t even like. Give yourself a trial period before you commit to a habit.

4. Establish control limits

Control limits are established measures. Think about the most minimal way to deliver a successful outcome. When you do this, your goal becomes attainable.

5. Create contingency plans

Always have a Plan A and make a Plan B. It’s critical to help yourself through breakdowns, mishaps, and small setbacks by having a backup plan, just in case things go wrong.

6. Identify potential obstacles

Listing the potential breakdowns and obstacles is a great way to anticipate what could go wrong so you’re not derailed if something weird happens, or when the unexpected comes up.

7. Experiment while you gather data

Use this time for learning, awareness, and forgiveness. Consider your new habit to build a destination, and experiment with different things to decide how it works for you.

8. Pre-Decide

With ADHD you want to try to avoid making weighty decisions in the moment. Identify when, how and who to get in action. Then build external accountability measures to ensure success.

9. Entertain your brain

Combine something enjoyable with something you find boring. Linking two tasks together helps you get started, focus to stay on task, and avoid ‘quitting’ before you’re done.

10. Identify your big why

Keep the benefits top of mind for motivation. So, when you can hold your BIG WHY, benefits, and pay-offs top of mind, you’re more accountable. You CAN do hard things.

11. Begin With the End in Mind

Name the finished outcome before you start. There’s no purer ADHD-friendly fuel than task completion. Getting things done is one of the best ways to build healthy, sustainable habits.

12. Batch Like Tasks Together

Success breeds success and when you have success, your ADHD brain experiences a feeling of accomplishment. Create associations between tasks and make them easier to accomplish.

Use this ADHD-Friendly Habits Infographic as a guide for creating sustainable, reliable behaviors.

Read the full blog post here: ADHD-Friendly Habits: 12 Tips To Healthy Sustainable Behaviors for even more information and guidance.




Cena Block

ADHD & Certified Productivity Coach (CPC), Certified Organizer Coach (COC). Providing Worldwide Services for professionals and entrepreneurs.